The Weekend
Ah, what a lovely weekend! I'm FINALLY feeling 100% me again after the whole odd stomach issues I was having. That alone made me very, very happy this weekend. We also had Julie's Mom and two of her nephews up from Valdosta and it was a really fun visit! We went to the Fossil store and IKEA and did a lot of good eating. One morning I made breakfast burritos another morning pancakes...also tried a new homemade Mexican pizza recipe that was surprisingly tasty (I wasn't sure about putting sour cream on top of a pizza slice!) It was a big hit! The best part was having some help to tackle one of the bigger projects that was looming over our heads and that was loading up all of the limbs from the trees my Dad took down in December and taking them off to the landfill. It took four loads and went really quickly with all of us loading and unloading the branches onto the trailer. Brandon also washed my car and cleaned the garage door windows. Their "payment" for helping us was a watch on sale from Fossil for Brandon and a wallet for Harrison. We were so excited about the help and they were excited for their payments, so they are going to come back in a month and help us tackle another large job and that's clearing out our weed gardens in the front yard. I'm stoked!!
I also got a little something for myself at Fossil and it was on sale for $7.00!! ORANGE! It lights up in different colors too...I have a slight thing for watches, and its color--well I know I don't have to tell you how badly I want to lick it.
1 comments: is a good thing. :) Like the new watch!
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