Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Weekend in Pictures...

The first two pictures are of Julie's oldest nephew Chad and his new wife Brandi. They look so happy in these...and seem to have the same smile! Check out how thin that chick is! She's very pretty. I didn't go to the reception because lots of painting and work had to be done on Madre's (Julie's mom) room. We worked until 3am each night painting it and putting up new decorations, moved furniture in/out, etc...The grandkids (Julie's nephews and niece) helped and said we had our own little episode of "While You Were Out" going on. This is the best picture I could get of how we arranged some things in the room. Julie's Dad passed away completely unexpectedly after open heart surgery on December 31, 2003--so throughout the room we placed a lot of things to remember him. The picture I took of the shadow boxes holding his favorite things like belt buckles, keys and tie tacks didn't turn out well...but in person turned out very nicely. She loved her "surprise" renovation and we were very proud and happy for that. The picture of the dogs is where they stayed for the weekend in Julie's old room lounging on her old bed! The tree is from the cow pasture at our friend Rose's house. We visited with her family and exchanged birthday/Christmas presents from the car---because we had the dogs and her son Christian is so allergic to them that he practically goes into respiratory arrest when around them and is hospital sick for weeks. Poor little dude! We enjoyed our visit with everyone and it was good to spend time with family and friends. There are parts of Valdosta that we both miss (like some of the people, palm trees, Craftsman style houses in neighborhoods that you can walk in for hours)---but after reliving the idiot drivers, humidity that makes your hair insane, and the rudeness that takes place there, it was good to be back Home Sweet Home! Screw the palm trees, we'll look at pictures, thank you very much! LOL! Peace out Valdosta!


Lennye December 19, 2007 at 6:37 AM  

Love it! You to are too much. Drew and Nicole have asked, "What do you want for Christmas?" The carpet cleaned, the house cleaned, the car cleaned...I think what you did for Julie's mom is the best thing ever.

Jessie December 19, 2007 at 5:01 PM  

That couple is cute. I love her dress.

That so sweet of you guys to do that room for her.

Sounds like a very eventful weekend. :)

K2daK December 20, 2007 at 12:13 PM  

It is nice to have a place to call home where nothing is more comfortable. :)

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