Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Tiny Chairs

I gave Julie these tiny chairs in her Christmas stocking...they are miniatures of designer chairs (ones that nobody I know would ever be able to afford). Julie loves tiny collectibles and these were too cute to pass up. I doubt this display will always look like this, but I was happy with it long enough for a photo opp!

These games were my favorite things from my stocking! Before mom left, we played Hit the Deck and Rage. Both very fun! I would rather play games together than open lots of presents even! I'm excited to try them out on a girl's night as well!

Well I couldn't mention Christmas gifts without busting out this baby! Mom actually bought it at an after-Thanksgiving Day sale and went ahead and gave it to us...we didn't open up the box and start messing around with it until about two weeks ago. Going from a cheap point and shoot digital camera to this has been so awesome! I chose the Canon because I already had a very large, expensive zoom lens from college when I used a Canon 35mm for photography classes. I found out that all the Canon lenses were interchangeable and basically the decision to go with a digital Canon was one I didn't even have to think about. There was NO way I was going to have a Canon zoom lens sitting around gathering dust while I was off putting money into a Nikon. Just didn't make any sense. Many day trips and adventures are already in the planning stages so that we can have some fun with this camera. When Julie went to Valdosta for a few days for Christmas she borrowed the Ford Edge and took the camera too...I told her she went away for a few days and took the coolest stuff here, including herself! :)


Lennye December 26, 2007 at 9:58 PM  

I've wondered about the camera! Now I know.

Also, for those interested, I've been trying to figure out who pioneer woman really was married to. I had put together the fact that she lived in Oklahoma. Then today a second clue came-her last name is Drummond. Well that only left on -- Drummond Land and Cattle Company, in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. So much for my detective work!

K2daK December 30, 2007 at 9:42 PM  

I like the tiny chairs!! I think that would be a cute display at all times. :)

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