Monday, November 5, 2007

Finished Project

Don't you just feel so good when you finish a project that has been sticking its tongue out at you and taunting you for weeks?! I DO! There's a mental file folder in my brain of all the projects I need to start/finish...ones that won't even be started until I make more money, ones that I never really want to begin, and ones that require more muscle than this scrawny body will ever possess...but they are there tucked away in my brain nonetheless. Some days I can go without thinking about these things...other things keep me occupied (like school children chewing up my erasers or dripping paint across the room) so therefore, I'm so "in the moment" that there is definitely not enough brain power to even attempt to dwell on these other matters. But, then there's those nagging days and moments where I feel exhausted by just the thoughts and mental lists alone that I have made. I can be brushing my teeth and instead of thinking about brushing my teeth, I'm thinking about the color grout that will look best with the colored tiles that have yet to be picked out/purchased/installed! Maybe Julie is asking what we should do for dinner and I bust out with how a hot pink backsplash with high gloss white cabinets and black/grey concrete countertops in the green kitchen will really pop! I blame this on HGTV and all these awesome shows that really just torment the hell out of me and make me feel like a person who is not good enough or doesn't MAKE enough time to do these amazing things! Sure the shows are SOOOOOO fun to watch, but afterwards I'm left thinking about how I CAN do that, I SHOULD do that, etc... Create my own concrete countertops?! Well certainly! These people totally make it sound like something you can do and in just a couple of hours with very little money! Days like that where it starts getting to me that I absolutely cannot tile a floor and pour new concrete countertops on my own at the moment, I have to remind myself that not everyone has the money or time to renovate their entire house in two months and not everyone teaches 550ish children a week how to paint and be creative when most of them really just want to come to specials just to talk. I mean really, after a while, wouldn't that start to suck the creative visions and inspirations out of most people?! That's my pessimism for the week. Here's my optimism...a finished project!! I did this to take to work for an example of a bulletin board that I can paint for people to give away as presents (hoping for some holiday business). I think it turned out rather nifty. Now, to sand the doors to the cabinets in the laundry room or surf the web a little more....


Jessie November 6, 2007 at 7:46 AM  

I am just like you. I go shopping with my friends, and I see furniture, wallpaper, or even a shirt that I think would look better as a pillow on my couch!!! I am always "designing". My husband and I call it DECORATING LA LA LAND. He can just look at me and know when I am doing it. lol :)

I do not have cable, so lucky for me no HGTV. Really its a sickness if you think about it. My grandma was over my house the other day talking about HGTV. She was saying how she wants to redo her whole kitchen, MAKE IT POP. I love HGTV don't get me wrong, but it can plant to much in peoples heads. They are inspired for that 30 minutes, then they go to do the project and probably don't finish it. :( I hope you get some holiday business.

Lennye November 6, 2007 at 5:29 PM  

I have seen this in person and it is GREAT! I would like to know if you do anything besides Georgia---like OU! What about a name?

Monkey November 6, 2007 at 6:47 PM  

But of course I can do something besides the Georgia thing...remember the one I did for Crawford's daughter? I will do pretty much anything on these boards...I'll bring pictures to work and show you.

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