Thursday, December 31, 2009

Saying Goodbye to 2009

I don't think 2009 was too popular amongst most people...I didn't know this until recently--on facebook everyone is like "see ya 2009, hopefully 2010 will be better.." I don't have the same perspective for 2009...I actually LOVED it. Some really bad things happened to a lot of my friends, and I can see why they'd hate it...but those bad things that happened to them, led to better things happening soon after--so really they probably should be thankful for 2009.

It rocked for those of us here at the mansion---sure, more crap tore up around the house than we would have liked--and some of those things are still having the kinks get out of them---but everything else was pretty super and there's plans in place to make 2010 rock even more.

One thing that saddened me when making the video for this year, is all the stuff that got left out because I didn't take pictures...truth is I was sorta TIRED of carrying the camera around---so some fun activities got left out of picture memories and that's a shame because it's not like my old lady mind is going to remember later on without PROOF. :) We helped paint multiple friend's houses, Avery's nursery, took day trips to explore new places, Bunco nights...none of that stuff made it to the video for lack of THE ONE thing I vow to do more of in 2010 is take more PERSONAL pictures--even if everyone gives me crap about not wanting to be in them, who cares?! They will be just like me and appreciate that those pictures exist later.

So instead of dogging 2009 out...I say "HEY YOU WERE GREAT...and I think 2010 has a lot to live up to...but have a feeling that it's GONNA BLOW YA OUTTA THE WATER WITH COOL POINTS!" :)


krista December 31, 2009 at 1:23 PM  

dude. that pizza was very well done.
happy happy twentyten!

Dan Hestad December 31, 2009 at 5:43 PM  

Love it...and both of you! Thanks for being great friends. The other night Dan said..."You know that Gunter is very thoughtful." I said, "Yes, it is a true gift she has."


Anonymous December 31, 2009 at 7:43 PM  

This was wonderful - as you and Julie are....Happy New Year!!


K2daK January 1, 2010 at 8:29 PM  

That was great! I liked 2009 too.

Natalie January 3, 2010 at 3:19 PM  

I'm looking forward to 2010--but had a pretty good 2009 as well. Great can't be said enough how much you rock colors. :)
Love you both--now slow down a little and give some of us other photogs a chance to catch up!! ;)

Jessie February 15, 2010 at 6:14 PM  

Cute! :) Pictures are so awesome!!!

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