Fourteen aka This Is Not Dish Network!
If there's a mess to clean up, at least it's a beautiful mess. ;)
Funniest quote this year from a student...and somewhat from myself too! I kept getting these calls this morning on my cell phone from someone speaking Spanish. The first time she said something in English about needing to speak to someone in Spanish. So I say, "You have the wrong number." She says, "I need someone who can speak Spanish." So I say, "NO HABLO ESPANOL!" The kids are cracking up at this point and repeating what I'm saying. I can't remember the word for WRONG so I say, "Wrong Numero" and hung up.
Then they call back again asking for someone who speaks Spanish and I say, "YOU." "HAVE." "THE." "WRONG." "NUMBER." She says, "Oh we're looking for Dish Network." I say, "This isn't Dish Network, you have the wrong number!"
Here comes the best part....when I got off the phone a kid came over to me and said, "Ms. G. why didn't you tell them this isn't Dish Network, this is the Art teacher?!" HA!
Yeah, I've been WONDERING why we don't get a clear signal - it's your fault. (Well, that and the fact we still haven't plugged in the TV...)
:) Love the pretty water AND the cool bug!
i soooo hope they call you back. again. bryan keeps getting someone leaving messages on his phone in arabic. there have been about four to date. i told him he should have the messages decoded. what if publisher's clearinghouse outsourced and they're calling him to tell us that we've won a million hundred billion dollars? wouldn't we want to know that?
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