Friday, July 4, 2008


Yesterday Julie's office closed early, so we went to Macon to explore Washington Park and the River Walk because our photo shoot with Dyana and her cutie-pie kids got moved to Macon for Saturday. I had forgotten that she was leaving Alpharetta to go visit her grandparents for the Macon was the place to be! :) We decided to check both places out beforehand to make sure they'd both be great for pictures. Washington Park is so pretty, I love the way water runs throughout the entire park!!


Lennye July 4, 2008 at 2:14 PM  

I'm digging the park. Is it down by the river? Cause I always think of Central Park over by the fair grounds (not a photogenic place).

krista July 7, 2008 at 6:59 PM  

OHHHH...that park. i swear, ever since my ovaries decided to make me a mother, my love for parks has grown and grown. but this park? oh, be still my heart.

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