Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Dyana's daughters Aubrey and Abby with one of the other simple, but super fun props we had for the pictures on Saturday. See the ones that look almost ghost like? Those are the ones that are coming towards my camera and is the moment right before a few of them popped right onto my lens (but I didn't know this at the time). I freaked out when I changed lenses and saw that they had dried on there after about fifty more pictures...because I just KNEW they were all going to show bubble residue on the final pics, but thankfully they didn't. Whew! **mental note** check lenses always after bubble time! :)

Dyana surprised me when she started up her own blog! Yeah for more blogs!! I was just as surprised by the address she gave it too...we haven't been "Sunflower" and "Violet" since our high school days back when we gave ourselves those nicknames to represent our favorite flowers and sorta, kinda spray-painted an old country bridge---I like to call it our little "back roads beautification, Art project!" Anyway, though I'm a "Monkey" now, sunflowers are still my favorite flowers of all time and I feel special that Dyana considers herself "Monkey's Violet." :) She needed some help with her blog template, so I uploaded some photos and created a header with her blog title for her...check it out!


K2daK July 8, 2008 at 8:36 PM  

Great pictures! Yeah another blog buddy for you!! Sounds like you guys have reconnected in the best way, I love that!

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