A Nice Rest After Shopping
Today was the first day EVER that I've stood in a line to wait for something that a ton of people wanted to get their hands on...aside from the norm--college textbooks and food of course! We've never really braved the craziest shopping day of the entire year---usually while people have already bought out five stores, I'm still in bed enjoying the fact that there's no work and I get to sleep in...but not today. I got it in my head that I finally wanted to buy a Nintendo Wii and justified the purchase because of getting just enough bulletin board orders to pay for it! Though I don't have the money for the boards yet, I figured since my lovely credit card had no balance on it, it certainly would not hurt to just pay the credit card bill with the money once I finish the boards and collect! ;)
I'm not an "it just came out to the stores and I must have it NOW" kind of person and don't own an iphone, don't own the ipod with the highest memory, have a crazy cheap camera at the moment, etc...you catch my drift---so when I got this in my head that I just had to have it, I had to find a way to get it. When the Thanksgiving paper came out with the sales section that people drool over, I saw that Gamestop was going to be opening at 7am today and would have a limited number of Nintendo Wii's for a better price than I found on the internet. The trick was going to be to get there before the hoards of other people. Julie, being an expert on the craziness of after-Thanksgiving Day shopping--because her whole family used to make a day of it, warned me not to get my hopes up and advised that if the place opened at 7am, we better be there at least an hour earlier. I of course was amazed by the whole concept...people get up in the dark when they don't HAVE to, to get to a place hours and hours earlier than the doors open?! Seriously, PEOPLE. SMOKE. CRACK.
We got up at 5am (can you tell how much I wanted to try for the Wii?! You people know I love my sleep!) and headed out the door around 5:38ish. It takes almost 30 minutes to get to McDonough and on the interstate going there the traffic wasn't bad at all...then we got to the exit. Good Lord. We passed by the door of the Gamestop and there was already a line, naturally. Julie and Mom dropped me off and I could see people coming out of Target, Belk, etc... with a ton of bags. These people had been up shopping for hours while I was just getting to sleep!
Mom stayed in the car for this particular store and Julie came to wait in line with me. I was worried that we wouldn't know how many they had in the store and if we were number 20 and there were only 15 or so...or the worst would have been to be number 20 and they had 19!! Luckily, I saw on the door that they had 18...so I frantically (yet still being hopeful) start counting people but it's hard to tell which people were together and which were separate and I was hoping they wouldn't be stupid enough to let people purchase more than one. We were number 15 in line!! The man in the front had been there since 4:30am and we only had to wait in line an hour before they let us in. There wasn't any pushing and shoving because they just made everyone stay in a line as they came in and the people in front and behind us were very nice and the kind of people that didn't tolerate line breakers. One lady from the back came up acting all freaky, but the lady behind us put her in her place...so we didn't deal with any nasty manners and got the Nintendo Wii!
We drove over to Best Buy and saw a Porta-Potty and people's pillows and food trash where they had been waiting in a very long line, for a very long time...craziness.
Mom and Julie both are tired and are taking naps, but I'm still pretty pumped about the situation going so well.
Already tried out some games on the Wii...boxing is TOO much fun! Tennis is pretty fun too, but I really suck at hitting the ball in baseball. I can't wait for them to wake up so we can play some more! I hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving! I'm sad for work on Monday, but will try to enjoy the rest of the time and not think about it. I'm thankful for way too many things to list...the tops being great friends and family to spend time with.
Congratulations!! Did you get to use your store credit too? I can't wait for the invite to come and play!!!!
Hi! Found you through the Etsy Sellers blog ring, and I just had to say i loved your blog!!! The pics of your puppies hooked me immediately - one of your dogs looks just like my doggy in that first picture! I'm also a huge Wii fan, so it was cool seeing someone else excited about it! Grats on getting one. They're so fun!!!
Hi! I don't get new comments too often too, but I do love em!!! I'm glad you feel the same way. =} If you keep on talking about dogs and Wii.. I'll probably end up checking more often. I'm not saying that's all you should write about or that you should write about those, just that they're so fun... oh whatever. hah! I'm tired!!!
I am not from the wii generation. But I'm glad you are happy and your birthday will be here before you know it! Matt has played more PSII this week than ever before. I think he is practicing work avoidance skills like his MOM!
My husband and I went shopping, but only because we had too. We ran out of coffee filters. I HAVE TO HAVE MY COFFEE!!!! We just waited till 11am!
Last year I went at Midnight. Yes, midnight.... Basically went straight from thanksgiving dinner. lol It was fun, but NEVER again. It was nuts!!!
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