Monday, August 13, 2007

The Drain Pipe

Here's a short little video of some fun Casey and Brinkley had this weekend. I don't have any new pictures of artwork for today and no hilarious stories (aside from a kindergartener calling me a "butt-head" which really isn't all that funny of a story). So, I think my next post will be a "monkey bite"--a little tidbit about myself. I have to say that this blog is a really great way for me to remember all of the stories and things I used to make time to journal about. For me, this is WAY faster than making the time to write in a journal. When I'm old and decrepit, I can look back at all of this and decide whether my life was boring or maybe just a little interesting...that is if I can still see to read. Ha!


Sarah B. B. August 14, 2007 at 7:10 AM  

That was hysterical. It's so funny how GIGANTIC Brinkley is, but he still acts like such a puppy. My favorite part was when he took the pipe & sat down with it, like y'all were just going to leave him alone.

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