Eleven and Twelve
Monday was a little crazified. I don't know what was with the kids or if it's just a whole day of ones who happen to not care about much else aside from talking and playing. Today was much better! Here are some pictures of a few finished projects. 5th grade Peter Max's Liberty Head project:
This next one isn't finished but it's from today and it's awesome, so I had to share.
1st grade zebras with lovely grass around them:
By the looks of this next one, I'm thinking this kid will obviously be famous someday. ;)
4th grade Optical Illusion Art:
2nd grade Ants Invaded Our Picnic:
We still need to put the legs on our ants and I can't tell you how many people messed up the checkerboard pattern because they got confused when painting---that was AFTER I told them to go ahead and mark a dot with their paintbrushes all the ones that were supposed to be red BEFORE they started painting them in completely. AAH!
On the first one here I belief some poor ants have suffered decapitation or some other rare form of torture.
This next one???!!! What the freak?! I saw him doing this and I thought GOOD LORD. Julie says it's ninjas on a sneak attack of the watermelon. :)
I think the zebras are outstanding! I like the rest but the green and black zebras make me happy!!!
Are we having another art show?
Had to have a talk with player #1. He understands that I'll be seeing someone else for a while. He's okay with it, but a little bummed that the new man in my life is next door which means he'll have to witness our affair.
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