Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Our new school building isn't quite finished yet, but they've let us come in and unpack and start setting up our new classrooms. Yesterday and today I went there and unpacked all of my boxes and started putting things away and figuring out how I wanted it all to look.

I still haven't arranged my tables and chairs yet, and they haven't told us what we're allowed to use on the walls--so no wall decorating either, But other than that, I'm mostly done.

Here is what it all looked like when I first walked in:

And here's after some work:

I'm in LOVE with my view! I took these from inside my room.


krista July 15, 2008 at 9:18 PM  

wow! that's your classroom??? pretty freakin awesome. and, wait, you're already planning on going back to school? what happened to summer?

Lennye July 16, 2008 at 9:58 AM  

I LOVE orange monkey! I can't believe how good it looks in pictures! I'll be glad when we are moved in!

Sarah B. B. July 16, 2008 at 6:49 PM  

It looks good already! That view (and the natural light) will be AWESOME for art. :) You'll never want to leave...

K2daK July 18, 2008 at 10:11 AM  

Lookin' good in the neighborhood! I think your new classroom is much deserved! I just hope you didn't bring the termites and spiders with you to the new school. :)

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