Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sad and Exhausted

Today I'm sad and exhausted because the weather/barometric pressure has been awful and because today Sherri lost Brinkley's dog-mom Annabelle. I don't know what it is about 2008--it's been great in so many ways----but there's been so many stories of loss. First our custodian Mr. Maddox, then the man who works at our trash dump, then one of our other custodians Ms. Erna--her sister died who is also Ms. Claudia's cousin. Yesterday Ms. Joy had to put her dog to sleep basically because he was so old and had gotten sick. She stayed up with him the entire night as he tried to breathe and the vets did all they could, but couldn't help him. She has loved him for 17 years. Today it was Annabelle who had gotten into some sort of tractor fuel or something in the shed. By the time Sherri's husband got her to the vet, she died. Sherry was obviously really upset and spent the entire day crying off and on. When she came to my door, I just knew and I just wanted her to go away because I knew exactly what she was going to say and maybe if I never heard it, then it wouldn't be true. It's been hard keeping it together for a friend but even harder keeping it together so her daughter who was 15 minutes from coming to my class wouldn't find out that her dog died. Tom brought Annabelle's body wrapped in a blanket in the back of his truck because Sherri wanted to see and pet her before she was buried. How sad is that really? I managed to keep composure all the way up until buckling my seatbelt to leave and now have the biggest headache ever. I squeezed my babies as tightly as I could when I got home and bawled my head off. They probably think I've lost my mind.

I'm going to soak in a tub and then do all of the fun things that my babies love doing. I want calmness, quiet and furry, snuggly goodness to make it all better and will appreciate what I have today more than ever.


Lennye January 10, 2008 at 5:16 PM  

How sad for Sherry. My heart breaks for Taylor who loved that dog. I know when Belle died back in the summer, Drew was home and tried to save her. Rushed her to the Vet and then the boys went and buried her. It is very traumatic to loose a pet who is an important part of your family.

Anonymous January 10, 2008 at 7:09 PM  

Amazing how we love our pets...They are such an integral part of our families. Your "children" have a super mom....Keep hugging, loving, playing.....appreciating....I'm so sorry you had such a bad day. Mama Lee

K2daK January 10, 2008 at 9:30 PM  

I think you should watch your holiday candles bit to cheer you up! Sorry to hear about her loss, just saw Sherry last night and Monday is Taylor's birthday, maybe celebrating her birthday will bring some sunshine into their week. Sorry you are feeling down and in the dumps but RHINO and I will be there tomorrow with some McDonald's to help cheer you up for the weekend.

Natalie January 10, 2008 at 11:06 PM  

Okay, so your message kicked me in the (figurative) balls for being so grumpy about getting Oscar back. I'll go hug him right now.

So sorry that you had such a bad day. I hate to hear all of that sad news. As for the fearless leader--I hope there are dogs in heaven and if she somehow makes it there, I hope they bite her. Often.

Monkey January 11, 2008 at 6:27 AM  

YEA for sweet friends! Nat, Oscar is precious and I'm gonna squeeze the stuffings right out of him when I see him soon! And there will definitely be dogs in Heaven...whether or not she is there to get bitten is debatable! I LOL at the thought of her getting bitten. often. :o

KieutiePie January 12, 2008 at 5:26 PM  

I'm so sorry ={ What a sad way to start the year...

Natalie January 12, 2008 at 8:26 PM  

C'mon sparkles...where's our new list game? :)

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