Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A Little Preview

Been spending most of my days painting while here at the house alone while trying to overcome the sad feeling that I keep feeling...hopefully the hormones will straighten themselves out. I think I'm too inside my head right now and I keep thinking...thinking...thinking! While thinking, I shall keep painting. This is a little preview of the craft room without the new desks we're getting from IKEA or anything on the wall yet, because it's not finished--just finished being painted! I've moved on to the next painting project which is the laundry room and that has proven to not be a fun room to paint. I knew it wouldn't be a walk in the park, but jumping behind a washer and dryer to attempt to paint behind them, was quite an interesting feat. The primer is mostly done, then on to the awesome orange! Oh and yes, that's a radical, funkafied orange sofa in an aqua room! I might be scared of a lot of things, but I doubt I'll ever be accused of being afraid of COLOR!


Lennye June 27, 2007 at 7:10 AM  

You are correct my dear no one will ever accuse you of a color phobia! I wish I could be so brave. As I've looked at houses recently with their all white walls (which I like, you can add more art work), they are boring. I am playing at present with a cottage colorscheme that I like. I like the blues, whites, and yellows together. So why is my house mostly Green. Although I am into this funky new green that came into my house courtesy of a plaque given to me by a student.

Natalie June 27, 2007 at 10:59 AM  

I LOVE reading your blog. I don't do it nearly enough, but when I do I come away with a silly sense of calm and creative-ness, almost as if your clean house and pretty walls were mine for just a minute. :)

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